our centennial history
In 2011, Caroline Herfindahl published a history of Solorlag's beginnings in America, entitled Vi Er Solunger!
Vi Er Solunger! chronicles the beginnings of Solørlag in America. This retrospective is far more than a lists of dates, people and events - it is a remarkably engaging account of the organization's founding and first several years. It also evokes thoughts of place and includes a narrative about each district in the Norwegian region of Solør. Finally, it contains biographical sketches that bring to life the founders and early officers of the lag. Vi Er Solunger is both a record and a story that stirs up a sense of pride and a feeling of connection to our ancestors and to Norway, especially to the region known as Solør. (paraphrased from the Foreword by Douglas Johnson, president of Solørlag.) Books can be ordered by contacting Caroline Herfindahl at [email protected] or can be ordered directly online through Lulu.com Softcover $15.00 Hardcover $27.50 Ebook Edition $7.25 ***All proceeds from the sale of this book go right back to Solørlag to help fund further history and genealogy projects.*** |
This presentation was given at the 2010 Centennial Stevne in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, by Caroline Herfindahl. It outlines the beginnings of Solørlag in America and was a preview to the forthcoming centennial volume, Vi Er Solunger!